Clear Low Modulus Building Silicone

Clear Low Modulus Building Silicone
Price £6.86 (exc VAT) Each (25 units per Each)
Quantity OrderedPrice Each
1 - 24£6.86 (exc VAT)
25 or more£6.44 (exc VAT)
LevelIn Stock
Stock Code M041-104

Everbuild Everflex 450 Builders Silicone

Everflex 450 Builders Silicone is a premium grade, top quality low modulus non-corrosive neutral cure silicone sealant that adheres to virtually all substrates, both porous and non-porous. Typically used for construction expansion joints and perimeter pointing of all types of door and window frames. Conforms to ISO 11600 class: F 25LM.

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