8x5/8 Zinc Plated Countersunk Cross-recess Woodscrew 200

8x5/8 Zinc Plated Countersunk Cross-recess Woodscrew 200
Price £3.10 (exc VAT) per Box (200 units per Box)
Quantity OrderedPrice per Box
1 - 4£3.10 (exc VAT)
5 or more£2.91 (exc VAT)
LevelOut of stock, please contact us
Stock Code C011-408

A traditional twin-thread woodscrew with single lead start for rapid installation. Mainly used in soft timber or in masonry with a plastic plug.

• Double countersunk head reduces the chance of head shear and assists the countersinking
• Partially threaded
• Made from C10-18 steel for consistent quality
• 60° twin-threads with parallel shank for faster insertion and higher pull-out resistance
• Surface hardened to prevent torque shearing under load and a hardened core for improved ductility
• 25° sharp point for fast start and improved thread acceptance

Head TypeCSK
Drive TypePZ2
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